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ESN Is The Smart Nitrogen For Top-Dressing Cotton

Split nitrogen (N) applications are commonly used on cotton to make sure the crop has N at the right time and doesn’t run out before boll fill. Now, there is an alternative to conventional N fertilizers that can protect your N from loss and is safe for top-dressing cotton. ESN SMART NITROGEN is an excellent choice for top-dress applications.

ESN is a polymer-coated, controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer that supplies nitrogen to your crop all season long. ESN’s patented coating releases N to the crop as it’s needed and protects against losses by all three N-loss mechanisms – volatilization, leaching, and denitrification – ensuring you get the most from every dollar spent on nitrogen fertilizer.

Reasons to consider using ESN for your cotton top-dress nitrogen:

  • ESN’s controlled nitrogen release feeds your cotton all the way to boll fill.
  • ESN prevents volatilization losses common with surface urea applications – no need to rush to water it in.
  • Better protection against leaching and denitrification than other N forms, even in irrigated, sandy soils.
  • Safe for the crop in top-dress applications. No more burned cotton leaves caused by ammonia volatilization from urea.
  • Large window of application. Because ESN protects your N from loss, you can top-dress earlier than conventional N fertilizers without worrying about your nitrogen running out early.
  • Get peace of mind. During prolonged rainy spells or when your pivot is running, you can relax knowing your cotton is getting the N it needs.

ESN Smart Talk

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