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Calculating ROI on Fertilizer Applications 

Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) can be a challenge at the best of times. For growers, who face the daily trials Mother Nature throws their way, shifting conditions make ROI calculations even more difficult.  

ESN helps manage the variability in any cost analysis or ROI calculation. The urea in an ESN granule is encapsulated by a polymer coating which ensures nitrogen is being used by the crop at the optimal time to maximize yield. This coating also protects against nitrogen gassing off or leaching below the root bed, ensuring the fertilizer is available when the plant needs it and can use it most effectively.  

Any cost analysis must start with the cost of fertilizer and other inputs, but must also include yield potential at the end of the season. With ESN, one application at the beginning of the season is as effective, if not more so, than multiple applications of urea throughout the growing season. The use of ESN leads to more positive impacts on the ROI: 

  • One application saves time 
  • One application saves on fuel costs and equipment wear and tear 
  • Nitrogen is protected from environmental loss factors 

Learn more about the ROI of ESN here: 

There are more resources and ROI calculators available:

ROI Calculator

Maximize your ROI

5 ROI Killers

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