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Smart Nitrogen Management For Potatoes

Potatoes require careful management at relatively high nitrogen rates. They are a shallow-rooted crop often grown on sandy soils with potential for nitrogen leaching beyond the root zone and into groundwater. ESN has repeatedly been shown to produce greater potato yields with fewer applications, reduced nitrogen leaching, and increased grower profits.

The following three studies demonstrate why ESN is the smart nitrogen for potatoes.

ESN simplifies Manitoba potato nitrogen management

esn manages nitrogen in potato production bar graph

Location: Carman, Manitoba

Researcher: Dr. Mario Tenuta, University of Manitoba


This multi-site, multi-year study led by researchers at the University of Manitoba demonstrated how ESN provides yield benefit and flexibility over traditional multi-pass systems.

  • 160 lbs/ac of ESN applied broadcast and incorporated at planting resulted in an average yield of 471 (cwt/ac).
  • One application at planting produced yields greater or similar to conventional split urea application as well as fertigation management practice.

ESN improves Wisconsin potato productivity and reduces nitrogen leaching

wisconsin potato n source comparison bar graph

Location: Central Wisconsin

Researcher: Dr. M. Ruark, University of Wisconsin


In this Wisconsin study, one ESN application produced greater yields than all other nitrogen sources and was the most effective source in controlling leaching losses.

  • One ESN application produced greater yield and increased profit by $275/acre over split application of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.
  • Chemical nitrogen inhibitor products produced lower yields, similar to an unfertilized control and were less profitable than the unfertilized control.
  • ESN reduced nitrate leaching to about 55% that of the AMS/AN split application. The next best treatment for leaching control reduced leaching by about 28% but reduced yields and profits.
  • Only ESN both increased yield and profits and reduced leaching.

ESN is the smart nitrogen for potatoes

idaho potato yields bar graph

Location: Burley, Idaho

Researcher: Miller Research


This Idaho study demonstrates ESN’s value and flexibility in saving applications while producing top yields and profits.

  • ESN maintained top yields and profits with fewer applications either as a single application or when combined with fertigation.
  • One ESN application at emergence produced yields comparable to the standard fertigation program.
  • Combinations of ESN with in-season fertigation produced yields similar to one-time ESN application and the standard fertigation program.
  • Combination of 50% of nitrogen as ESN with fertigation produced the greatest grower profit, which was $24/acre greater than the standard fertigation program based on a typical grower contract.

ESN continually outperforms other nitrogen sources in research trials in Canada and the U.S. Browse our potato application recommendations or contact your local ESN rep to get application recommendations specific to your variety and geography.

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